Academic publications

I’m a sociologist and qualitative researcher at La Trobe University, Australia.

My research interests include refugee resettlement, humanitarian migration, digital media, family violence, mental health and LGBTIQ health and wellbeing.

I have presented my work at conferences and events in Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide, Canberra, Perth, Bendigo and Phnom Penh.

Since 2016, I have taught a range of subjects in the Department of Social Inquiry.

Journal articles

Experiences of Intimate-Partner Violence and Violence from a Family Member During COVID-19 Among LGBTQ Adults in Australia (2025)

Informed, Affirming and Focused: Client Perspectives on the Importance of Specialist LGBTIQ + Family Violence and Other Health Services (2024)

LGBTQ Mental Health Peer Support: A Descriptive Survey (2024)

‘It feels meaningful’: How informal mental health caregivers in an LGBTQ community interpret their work and their role (2023)

Coping with the stress of providing mental health-related informal support to peers in an LGBTQ context (2022)

A ‘Refugee’ No Longer: Karen Residents’ Experiences of Discarding a Label in Australia (2022)

Practices of ‘Digital Homing’ and Gendered Reproduction among Older Sinhalese and Karen Migrants in Australia (2022)

The Nature and Impact of Informal Mental Health Support in an LGBTQ
Exploring Peer Roles and Their Challenges (2022)

From Language Brokering to Digital Brokering: Refugee Settlement in a Smartphone Age (2021)

Digital Media and the Affective Economies of Transnational Families (2020)

Book chapters

A co-written chapter of mine appeared in Ways of Home Making in Care for Later Life, a book published through Palgrave Macmillan (2020)

Research reports

Catalysts of Change

Responsive pandemic practice: LGBTIQ+ family violence service innovation in Victoria during COVID-19 (2022)

Research Matters: What have we learnt about COVID-19 and LGBTIQ communities? (2022)

Lean on Me: Exploring Suicide Prevention and Mental Health-Related Peer Support in Melbourne’s LGBTQ communities (2021)

PhD thesis

Karen Humanitarian Migrants and Video Calling: Digital Brokering in a Smartphone Age (2020)

Other links

Google Scholar profile

Research profile at La Trobe University